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The Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization for Relief & Development (JHCO) was established in 1990 as a multi-functional relief and humanitarian foundation. JHCO now provides direct humanitarian aid to affected countries during and/or after conflict and natural disasters. Since its establishment, and under Royal guidance, JHCO has managed to provide aid to people in need in more than 34 countries around the world.

Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization (JHCO)


جبل اللويبدة - شارع الفرزدق - مركز اللويبدة للأعمال (20) - عمان، الأردن

+962 6461 4345

+962 6461 4346

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جميع الحقوق محفوظة لشركة ابتكارات ديناميكية للبرمجيات ذ.م.م. 2020

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