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Dynamics NAV Arabic Interface

Arabic Interface

Microsoft Dynamics NAV is traditionally available in the Middle East and in Arabic speaking countries, plus it is easily adoptable in these countries, where local language is based on Arabic characters.

As we all know Microsoft Dynamics NAV still not released in Arabic language by Microsoft, and in the Middle East region in general we are getting allot of requests to have the application interface in Arabic.

Worth to mention that we have flipped the application as well from right-left to left-right to fulfil Arabic language needs and included all available clients into this translation so Rich Client, Web Client, Tablet Client and Mobile client are all available in Arabic.Therefore to work around this we have outsourced translating all strings and messages in the application to a specialized company in this field and imported translated strings and messages into NAV application, we have used Partner Translation Toolkit to get this implemented using the support technique and overcome the importing difficulties by using string files for translation.

All Reports, Transactions, Inquiries, Tools and Routines are in Arabic!

جبل اللويبدة - شارع الفرزدق - مركز اللويبدة للأعمال (20) - عمان، الأردن

+962 6461 4345

+962 6461 4346

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جميع الحقوق محفوظة لشركة ابتكارات ديناميكية للبرمجيات ذ.م.م. 2020

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